Tayyab Rehman, PhD

 Managing Director/Co-Founder

M.Sc. (Zoology), PhD (Molecular Biology/Microbes)

Being fond of teaching, in the past two decades, I have taught more than 20 Biomedical Science modules to undergraduate and post graduate students in Public sector universities and have supervised many research projects. Besides my major duties of teaching and research supervision, I have been involved in University Biosafety Program, Lab personnel training workshops, Lab Quality Management, and, look after the discipline & code of conduct on the campus as chief Proctor. Areas of my interest in the context of One Health are antimicrobial resistance in highly pathogenic bacteria, transmission dynamics of zoonotic pathogens, proteomes analysis of RNA viruses and diagnosis & epidemiology of cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

I am keen to develop a pragmatic approach among students and team members to apply the concepts of science to the real-world application in the setup they choose to work in. As a teacher, researcher, and knowledge worker, I do not just do what is required of me but I do more to feel free, and I always try my best to keep in mind the academic and psycho-social aspects of tra

Zilli Huma

MBBS, FCPS, PhD (Neuro-Science)

Medic, surgeon, anatomist, researcher, and academician with 15 years’ experience in the medical field in these various roles. Involved in application and implementation of Biosafety and security at Khyber medical university. One of the Team leads in helping establish PHRL-KMU lab at the start of the pandemic. Interested in fostering an inquisitive and proactive mind in the university scholars to be ready for any One health issue in the future.

Hafsah Muhammad

M.Sc. (Animal Science) M.Phil. (Animal Science), PhD (Forensic Molecular Genetics)

After receiving my PhD in forensic molecular genetics, I joined as faculty member in 2017 the department of Molecular Biology & Genetics here at the Institute of Basic Medical science, Khyber Medical University Peshawar.  I have been teaching biosafety, bioethics, One Health and molecular biology modules to post graduates and supervise research projects. Besides, I look after the KMU- Public Health Reference Lab as Biosafety Officer and coordinate IBC and HRO implementation activities training lab staff, security personnel, janitorial and support staff in the Biosafety Skill Lab I have set up in IBMS-KMU. To strengthen KMU Biosafety Program and to improve overall biosafety culture in KP, I lead the KP chapter as Head appointed by the Pakistan Biosafety Association, Islamabad.

Since the start of pandemic in January 2020 I have been on the fore front and in anticipation of possible pandemics waves I have taken concrete steps and organized the KP chapter by organizing groups of trainers for different facilities, developed training materials and conducted trainings at different hospitals, universities and schools and providing consultancy to different hospitals for sampling, packaging and transporting suspected COVID-19 samples.

My philosophy is – to be at the service of others round the clock.

Taining, teaching & research, and relevant service which is crucial to learning and development of the institution and the society.